https://doi.org/10.24144/2414-0260.2018.2.65-74Ключові слова:
catalysis, catalyst, heterogeneous oxidation, partial oxidation of n-alkanes, C1-C4–hydrocarbons, ethane, ethylene, phosphatesАнотація
Individual phosphates of manganese and nickel and seven new complex oxide catalytic systems based on manganese phosphate have been synthesized by modifying it with Nі2+ type xMn2P2O7´yNi3(PO4)2 ions with different contents of both phosphates having acidic surface properties. The composition, structure and some physical and chemical parameters of all synthesized samples are investigated. The results of X-ray diffraction analysis of synthesized catalysts have shown that synthesized complex systems based on phosphate of chrome and nickel and roasted at T=393 K are characterized by a fine crystalline or X-ray amorphous state of a solid phase. The solid phase diffraction patterns after the heat treatment at an extreme temperature of 873 K differ significantly from the output and indicate the formation of new crystalline forms of phosphates. It was established that the characteristics of the group of catalysts of the type xMn2P2O7´yNi3(PO4)2 are the constancy of their chemical composition, the wide range of changes in the acidic properties of the surface, the synergistic effect of the modification, the developed specific surface, the small mobility of the oxygen of the crystalline lattice. The positive promotional role of nickel ions in terms of acidity is confirmed. It was established that due to the increase in the content of nickel phosphate in the structure of chromium phosphate, an increase in the total surface acidity of the total surface acidity is observed. In this case, the surface acidity of all synthesized complex catalytic systems xMn2P2O7´yNi3(PO4)2 is significantly higher than in individual phosphates due to their synergistic effect in the structure of synthesized oxide systems. As predicted, on the surface of almost all synthesized systems formed active centers of medium strength and weakly acidic centers. The relationship between the method of preparation, the composition of the oxide catalysts obtained and their physical and chemical parameters are established. The new complex modified acid mangan-nickel-phosphate catalytic systems can be used as effective catalysts for the partial oxidation of hydrocarbons in valuable products in the chemical industry.Посилання
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