https://doi.org/10.24144/2414-0260.2018.2.85-90Ключові слова:
Nitrogen transformation, Nitrogen fixation, nitrification, ammonificationАнотація
The nitrification capacity of the main types of soils of Uzhgorod district according to the index of nitrate nitrogen content in them was investigated. The highest nitrate content (25.8-28.6 mg/kg of soil, converted to nitrogen) was found in the soils of Uzhhorod district farms, on which strawberries and fruit trees are grown.
The nitrification capacity of the soils of these farms is in the range of 21.4-27.8 mg/kg of soil. With such a high level of nitrification capacity of soils, taking into account the rather high content of Nitrogen nitrate compounds, the processes of denitrification will intensify in time, resulting in unavoidable losses of Nitrogen available to plants. Not understanding the causes of such a loss, the owners will increase the dose of mineral fertilizers, which can lead to chemical pollution of the surrounding ecosystems like water systems.
It was determined that the nitrate nitrogen component is the least enriched nitrate region of all investigated dukes of Uzhgorod district (1.4-3.7 mg/kg of soil). Their nitrification capacity was 2.9-7.4 mg/kg of soil, which indicates a low level of nitrogen fixation and ammonification in soils. It is obvious that under low nitrogen content in these soils, according to the Principality of Le Chatelier, in soils, processes that contribute to the replenishment of nitrogen in the soil will be intensified in the soils: nitrogen fixation, ammonification and nitrification. However, under conditions of insufficient number of nitrogen-fixing microorganisms, ammonium compounds and available phosphorus forms, the nitrification processes are slowed down. Owners of households in the Uzhgorod district are advised to add ammonium phosphate fertilizers to the ground and to plant crop rotation.
In order to improve the environment in connection with the use of mineral fertilizers, it was proposed to improve the technology of mineral fertilizer application, to use environmentally safe highly concentrated nitrogen-containing fertilizers in ammonium and amide forms, which together with mineral elements contain plant growth promoters and nitrification inhibitors.Посилання
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